On-Base Percentage Calculator

Calculate on-base percentage of a baseball player by entering their at-bats, hits, walks, hit by pitches, and sacrifice flies. Reaching base by a fielding error or fielder's choice do not count.



What is On-Base Percentage?

On-Base Percentage = (Hits + Walks + Hit by Pitches) / (At-Bats + Walks + Hit by Pitches + Sacrifice Flies)

On-base percentage (OBP) is how often a player gets on base due to a hit, walk or being hit by a pitch. It provides a more accurate measure of a player's effectiveness than batting average that just takes hits into account.

The Major League Baseball single-season record for on-base percentage is 0.609 by Barry Bonds. He had 373 at-bats, 135 hits, 232 walks, 9 hit by pitches, and 3 sacrifice flies.

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