Steps to Distance Calculator

Calculate the distance walked based on the number of steps taken. Select an average step length for men or women or you can calculate your own step length by using our step length calculator.


What is Step Length?

In this calculator, the step length is the length of a single step from the heel of one foot to the heel of the other. This is different than stride length which is the length of two steps. Step length varies by individual and is based on factors such as sex, height and weight.

How far is 49,000 Steps?

The short answer is it depends on the step length. Everyone has a different step length so you first need to calculate your step length or just use an average distance. The average step length for males is 2.6 feet so 49,000 steps equals 24.13 miles. The average step length for females is 2.2 feet so 49,000 steps equals 20.42 miles. A full range of distances is provided below.

Step Length (Feet) Distance (Miles)
1.5'13.92 mi
1.6'14.85 mi
1.7'15.78 mi
1.8'16.70 mi
1.9'17.63 mi
2.0'18.56 mi
2.1'19.49 mi
2.2'20.42 mi
2.3'21.34 mi
2.4'22.27 mi
2.5'23.20 mi
2.6'24.13 mi
2.7'25.06 mi
2.8'25.98 mi
2.9'26.91 mi
3.0'27.84 mi

Browse by Steps

Step counts close to 49,000: 48,10048,20048,30048,40048,50048,60048,70048,80048,90049,00049,10049,20049,30049,40049,50049,60049,70049,80049,900

Common step counts: 1,0001,5002,0002,5003,0003,5004,0004,5005,0005,5006,0006,5007,0007,5008,0008,5009,0009,50010,00010,50011,00011,50012,00012,50013,00013,50014,00014,50015,00015,50016,00016,50017,00017,50018,00018,50019,00019,50020,00020,50021,00021,50022,00022,50023,00023,50024,00024,50025,00025,50026,00026,50027,00027,50028,00028,50029,00029,50030,00030,50031,00031,50032,00032,50033,00033,50034,00034,50035,00035,50036,00036,50037,00037,50038,00038,50039,00039,50040,00040,50041,00041,50042,00042,50043,00043,50044,00044,50045,00045,50046,00046,50047,00047,50048,00048,50049,00049,50050,000