Pace Charts
Race Goals
Training Calculators
Pace Calculator
Determine the pace needed to complete a distance in a the desired time.
Pace Converter
Convert a running pace between miles and kilometers.
Convert Units
Convert between kilometers and miles alongside a conversion chart.
Triathlon Time
Determine a triathlon finish time by entering times for swim, t1, bike, t2, and run.
Calculate Watts/KG
Determine your w/kg for use in cycling training and virtual riding apps like Zwift.
Weight Conversion
Convert between pounds and kilograms.
Step Length
Calculate your average step length based on the number of steps over a distance.
Maximum Aerobic Heart Rate
Determine the maximum aerobic heart rate for optimal training using the MAF 180 formula.
Most Popular
Negative Split
Calculate the pacing needed to run second half faster than the first.
Bike Speed
Calculate speed based on time and distance traveled.
Activity to Steps
Convert an activity to steps based on the time spent doing it.
Body Mass Index
Calculate your BMI based on your height and weight.
Positive Split
Calculate the pacing needed to run second half slower than the first.
Percentage Change
Find the percentage change between two numbers or two times.
Steps to Distance
Calculate how far you walked based on the number of steps taken.
Time Difference
Calculate the difference between two race or training times.